Dark Amoled Wallpaper is a free wallpapers and backgrounds application with a huge collection of wallpaper and backgrounds photo. Dark Amoled Wallpaper serve your need. Only a few apps nowday have a huge collection of more than 100+ dark wallpapers and backgrounds.
The app has the latest black, dark and white wallpaper background. High Ultra (HD) and 1080 (full HD). You can share to social media, download, set as a favorite or home screen. The wallpapers and backgrounds almost support all android smartphone.
Dark Amoled Wallpaper Feature:
❤ Small app size.
❤ Wallpaper details.
❤ View by categories.
❤ View latest dark wallpaper.
How to use Dark Amoled Wallpaper app?
❤ Select any picture.
❤ tab other icon to use function.
❤ tab square icon at top right corner.
❤ Your home screen wallpaper set done.
Thank you for downloading Dark Amoled Wallpaper. Do enjoy the free app.
Dark Amoled Wallpaper是一款免费的壁纸和背景应用程序,带有大量壁纸和背景照片。 Dark Amoled Wallpaper满足您的需求。现在只有少数应用程序拥有超过100种黑暗壁纸和背景的大量集合。
Dark Amoled壁纸特点:
如何使用Dark Amoled Wallpaper应用程序?
感谢您下载Dark Amoled Wallpaper。享受免费的应用程序。